Desferrioxamine Health Dictionary

Desferrioxamine: From 3 Different Sources

A drug used to rid the body tissues of excess iron that accumulates as a result of repeated blood transfusions in anaemias, such as aplastic anaemia and thalassaemia. It is also used to treat iron poisoning and may also be used to treat excess aluminium in people on dialysis. The drug is administered by intravenous injection or subcutaneous infusion and may be given with vitamin C to boost excretion of the iron. Side effects may include gastrointestinal disturbances, dizziness, and skin reactions.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
An agent which binds to heavy metals, used in the treatment of iron poisoning and THALASSAEMIA.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a drug that combines with iron in body tissues and fluids and is used to treat iron poisoning, iron overload (including that resulting from prolonged or constant blood transfusion, as for thalassaemia), diseases involving iron storage in parts of the body (see haemochromatosis), and for the diagnosis of such diseases.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Chelating Agents

Chelating agents are compounds that will render an ion (usually a metal) biologically inactive by incorporating it into an inner ring structure in the molecule. (Hence the name, from the Greek chele = claw.) When the complex formed in this way is harmless to the body and is excreted in the urine, such an agent is an e?ective way of ridding the body of toxic metals such as mercury. The main chelating agents are DIMERCAPROL, PENICILLAMINE, desferrioxamine and sodium calciumedetate, used for example, in iron poisoning.... chelating agents

Blood Tests

Analysis of a sample of blood to give information on its cells and proteins and any of the chemicals, antigens, antibodies, and gases that it carries. Such tests can be used to check on the health of major organs, as well as on respiratory function, hormonal balance, the immune system, and metabolism. Blood tests may look at numbers, shape, size, and appearance of blood cells and assess the function of clotting factors. The most important tests are blood count and blood group tests if transfusion is needed. Biochemical tests measure chemicals in the blood (see acid–base balance; kidney function tests; liver function tests). Microbiological tests (see immunoassay) look for microorganisms that are in the blood, as

in septicaemia. Microbiology also looks for antibodies in the blood, which may confirm immunity to an infection. blood transfusion The infusion of large volumes of blood or blood products directly into the bloodstream to remedy severe blood loss or to correct chronic anaemia. In an exchange transfusion, nearly all of the recipient’s blood is replaced by donor blood. Before a transfusion, a sample of the recipient’s blood is taken to identify the blood groups, and it is matched with suitable donor blood. The donor blood is transfused into an arm vein through a plastic cannula. Usually, each unit (about 500 ml) of blood is given over 1–4 hours; in an emergency, 500 ml may be given in a couple of minutes. The blood pressure, temperature, and pulse are monitored during the procedure.

If mismatched blood is accidentally introduced into the circulation, antibodies in the recipient’s blood may cause donor cells to burst, leading to shock or kidney failure. Less severe reactions can produce fever, chills, or a rash. Reactions can also occur as a result of an allergy to transfused blood components. All

blood used for transfusion is carefully screened for a number of infectious agents, including HIV (the AIDS virus) and hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

In elderly or severely anaemic patients, transfusion can overload the circulation, leading to heart failure.

In patients with chronic anaemia who need regular transfusion over many years, excess iron may accumulate (haemosiderosis) and damage organs such as the heart, liver, and pancreas.

Treatment with desferrioxamine to remove excess iron may be needed.... blood tests


A poison is any substance which, if absorbed by, introduced into or applied to a living organism, may cause illness or death. The term ‘toxin’ is often used to refer to a poison of biological origin. Toxins are therefore a subgroup of poisons, but often little distinction is made between the terms. The study of the effects of poisons is toxicology and the effects of toxins, toxinology.

The concept of the dose-response is important for understanding the risk of exposure to a particular substance. This is embodied in a statement by Paracelsus (c.1493–1541): ‘All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose di?erentiates a poison and a remedy.’

Poisoning may occur in a variety of ways: deliberate – SUICIDE, substance abuse or murder; accidental – including accidental overdose of medicines; occupational; and environmental

– including exposure during ?re.

Ingestion is the most common route of exposure, but poisoning may also occur through inhalation, absorption through the skin, by injection and through bites and stings of venomous animals. Poisoning may be described as acute, where a single exposure produces clinical effects with a relatively rapid onset; or chronic, where prolonged or repeated exposures may produce clinical effects which may be insidious in onset, cumulative and in some cases permanent.

Diagnosis of poisoning is usually by circumstantial evidence or elimination of other causes of the clinical condition of the patient. Some substances (e.g. opioids) produce a characteristic clinical picture in overdose that can help with diagnosis. In some patients laboratory analysis of body ?uids or the substance taken may be useful to determine or con?rm the o?ending agent. Routine assays are not necessary. For a very small number of poisons, such as paracetamol, aspirin, iron and lead, the management of the patient may depend on measuring the amount of poison in the bloodstream.

Accurate statistics on the incidence of poisoning in the UK are lacking. Mortality ?gures are more reliable than morbidity statistics; annually, well over 100,000 cases of poisoning are admitted to hospital. The annual number of deaths from poisoning is relatively small – about 300 – and in most cases patients die before reaching hospital. Currently, CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) is by far the most common cause of death due to poisoning. The most common agents involved in intentional or accidental poisoning are drugs, particularly ANALGESICS, ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS and SEDATIVES. Alcohol is also commonly taken by adults, usually in combination with drugs. Children frequently swallow household cleaners, white spirit, plant material – such as belladonna (deadly nightshade) and certain mushrooms; for example, death cap and ?y agaric – aftershave and perfume as well as drugs. If possible, the suspect container, drug or plant should be taken with the victim to the hospital or doctor. The use of child-resistant containers has reduced the number of admissions of children to hospital for treatment. Bixtrex® is an intensely bitter-tasting agent which is often added to products to discourage ingestion; however, not everybody is able to taste it, nor has any bene?cial e?ect been proven.

Treatment of poisoning usually begins with decontamination procedures. For ingested substances this may involve making the patient sick or washing the stomach out (GASTRIC LAVAGE): this is usually only worthwhile if performed soon after ingestion. It should be emphasised that salt (sodium chloride) water must never be given to induce vomiting, since this procedure is dangerous and has caused death. For substances spilt on the skin, the affected area should immediately be thoroughly washed and all contaminated clothing removed. Following eye exposure, the affected eye/s should be thoroughly irrigated with saline or water.

Treatment thereafter is generally symptomatic and supportive, with maintenance of the victim’s respiratory, neurological and cardiovascular systems and, where appropriate, monitoring of their ?uid and electrolyte balance and hepatic and renal function. There are speci?c antidotes for a few substances: the most important of these are PARACETAMOL, iron, cyanide (see CYANIDE POISONING), opioids (see OPIOID), DIGOXIN, insecticides and some heavy metals. Heavy-metal poisoning is treated with CHELATING AGENTS – chemical compounds that form complexes by binding metal ions: desferrioxamine and pencillinamine are two such agents. The number of people presenting with paracetamol overdose – a common drug used for attempted suicide – has fallen sharply since restrictions were placed on its over-thecounter sales.

When a patient presents with an illness thought to be caused by exposure to substances at work, further exposure should be limited or prevented and investigations undertaken to determine the source and extent of the problem. Acutely poisoned workers will usually go to hospital, but those suffering from chronic exposure may attend their GP with non-speci?c symptoms (see OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, MEDICINE AND DISEASES).

In recent years, legislation has been enacted in the UK to improve safety in the workplace and to ensure that data on the hazardous constituents and effects of chemicals are more readily available. These o?cial controls include the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations (CHIP) and are UK legislation in response to European Union directives.

The National Poisons Information Service is a 24-hour emergency telephone service available to the medical profession and provides information on the likely effects of numerous agents and advice on the management of the poisoned patient. The telephone numbers are available in the medical literature. In the UK this is not a public-access service. People who believe they, or their relatives, have been poisoned should seek medical advice from their GPs or attend their local hospital.

Toxbase The National Poisons Information Service provides a primary clinical toxicology database on the Internet: This website provides information about routine diagnosis, treatment and management of people exposed to drugs, household products and industrial and agricultural products.

(See also APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID.)... poisons


n. a drug that counteracts the effects of a poison or of overdosage by another drug. Examples are *desferrioxamine and *edetate.... antidote

Chelating Agent

a chemical compound whose molecules form complexes by binding metal ions. Some chelating agents, including *desferrioxamine and *penicillamine, are drugs used to treat metal poisoning: the metal is bound to the drug and excreted safely. Chelating agents often form the active centres of enzymes. The chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is used in dentistry to remove the *smear layer before root canal filling.... chelating agent

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