Cordotomy Health Dictionary

Cordotomy: From 3 Different Sources

An operation to divide bundles of nerve fibres within the spinal cord to relieve persistent pain that has not responded to other treatment.

Cordotomy is most frequently performed for pain in the lower trunk and legs, especially in people with cancer.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
The surgical operation of cutting the anterolateral tracts of the SPINAL CORD to relieve otherwise intractable pain. It is also sometimes known as tractotomy.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a surgical procedure for the relief of severe and persistent pain in the pelvis or lower limbs. The nerve fibres that transmit the sensation of pain to consciousness pass up the spinal cord in special tracts (the spinothalamic tracts). In cordotomy the spinothalamic tracts are severed in the cervical (neck) region.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage (International Association for the Study of Pain, 1979). Pain is perceived in the cerebral cortex (see BRAIN) and is always subjective. Sometimes sensations that would usually be benign can be perceived as painful – for example, allodynia (extreme tenderness of the skin) or dysaesthesia (unpleasant skin sensations resulting from partial damage to sensory nerve ?bres, as in herpes zoster, or shingles).

Acute pain is caused by internal or external injury or disease. It warns the individual that harm or damage is occurring and stimulates them to take avoiding or protective action. With e?ective treatment of disease or injury and/or the natural healing process, the pain resolves – although some acute pain syndromes may develop into chronic pain (see below). Stimuli which are su?ciently intense potentially to damage tissue will cause the stimulation of speci?c receptors known as NOCICEPTORS. Damage to tissues releases substances which stimulate the nociceptors. On the surface of the body there is a high density of nociceptors, and each area of the body is supplied by nerves from a particular spinal segment or level: this allows the brain to localise the source of the pain accurately. Pain from internal structures and organs is more di?cult to localise and is often felt in some more super?cial structure. For example, irritation of the DIAPHRAGM is often felt as pain in the shoulder, as the nerves from both structures enter the SPINAL CORD at the same level (often the structures have developed from the same parts of the embryo). This is known as referred pain.

The impulses from nociceptors travel along nerves to the spinal cord. Within this there is modulation of the pain ‘messages’ by other incoming sensory modalities, as well as descending input from the brain (Melzack and Walls’ gate-control theory). This involves morphine-like molecules (the ENDORPHINS and ENKEPHALINS) amongst many other pain-transmitting and pain-modulating substances. The modi?ed input then passes up the spinal cord through the thalamus to the cerebral cortex. Thus the amount of pain ‘felt’ may be altered by the emotional state of the individual and by other incoming sensations. Once pain is perceived, then ‘action’ is taken; this involves withdrawal of the area being damaged, vocalisation, AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM response and examination of the painful area. Analysis of the event using memory will occur and appropriate action be taken to reduce pain and treat the damage.

Chronic pain may be de?ned in several ways: for example, pain resistant to one month’s treatment, or pain persisting one month beyond the usual course of an acute illness or injury. Some doctors may also arbitrarily choose the ?gure of six months. Chronic pain di?ers from acute pain: the physiological response is di?erent and pain may either be caused by stimuli which do not usually cause the perception of pain, or may arise within nerves or the central nervous system with no apparent external stimulation. It seldom has a physiological protective function in the way acute pain has. Also, chronic pain may be self-perpetuating: if individuals gain a psychological advantage from having pain, they may continue to do so (e.g. gaining attention from family or health professionals, etc.). The nervous system itself alters when pain is long-standing in such a way that it becomes more sensitive to painful inputs and tends to perpetuate the pain.

Treatment The treatment of pain depends upon its nature and cause. Acute pain is generally treated by curing the underlying complaint and prescribing ANALGESICS or using local anaesthetic techniques (see ANAESTHESIA – Local anaesthetics). Many hospitals now have acute pain teams for the management of postoperative and other types of acute pain; chronic pain is often treated in pain clinics. Those involved may include doctors (in Britain, usually anaesthetists), nurses, psychologists and psychiatrists, physiotherapists and complementary therapists. Patients are usually referred from other hospital specialists (although some may be referred by GPs). They will usually have been given a diagnosis and exhausted the medical and surgical treatment of their underlying condition.

All the usual analgesics may be employed, and opioids are often used in the terminal treatment of cancer pain.

ANTICONVULSANTS and ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS are also used because they alter the transmission of pain within the central nervous system and may actually treat the chronic pain syndrome.

Many local anaesthetic techniques are used. Myofascial pain – pain affecting muscles and connective tissues – is treated by the injection of local anaesthetic into tender spots, and nerves may be blocked either as a diagnostic procedure or by way of treatment. Epidural anaesthetic injections are also used in the same way, and all these treatments may be repeated at intervals over many months in an attempt to cure or at least reduce the pain. For intractable pain, nerves are sometimes destroyed using injections of alcohol or PHENOL or by applying CRYOTHERAPY or radiofrequency waves. Intractable or terminal pain may be treated by destroying nerves surgically, and, rarely, the pain pathways within the spinal cord are severed by cordotomy (though this is generally only used in terminal care).

ACUPUNCTURE and TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRICAL NERVE STIMULATION (TENS) are used for a variety of pain syndromes, particularly myofascial or musculoskeletal pain. It is thought that they work by increasing the release of endorphins and enkephalins (see above). It is possible to implant electrodes within the epidural space to stimulate directly the nerves as they traverse this space before passing into the spinal cord.

Physiotherapy is often used, particularly in the treatment of chronic backache, where pain may be reduced by improving posture and strengthening muscles with careful exercises. Relaxation techniques and psychotherapy are also used both to treat chronic pain and to help patients cope better with their disability.

Some types of chronic pain are caused by injury to sympathetic nerves or may be relieved by interrupting conduction in sympathetic nerves. This may be done in several ways. The nerves may be blocked using local anaesthetic or permanently destroyed using alcohol, phenol or by surgery.

Many of these techniques may be used in the management of cancer pain. Opioid drugs are often used by a variety of routes and methods, and management of these patients concentrates on the control of symptoms and on providing a good quality of life.... pain

Pain Relief

The treatment of pain, usually with analgesic drugs. Paracetamol, aspirin and codeine are the most widely used drugs in this group. Pain accompanied by inflammation is often alleviated by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Severe pain may require treatment with opioids, such as morphine.

Other methods of pain relief include massage, ice-packs, poultices, TENS, acupuncture, or hypnosis. Surgery to destroy pain-transmitting nerves (as in a cordotomy) is occasionally performed when other treatments fail.... pain relief

Dying, Care Of The

Physical and psychological care with the aim of making the final period of a dying person’s life as free from pain, discomfort, and emotional distress as possible. Carers may include doctors, nurses, other medical professionals, counsellors, social workers, clergy, family, and friends.

Pain can be relieved by regular low doses of analgesic drugs. Opioid analgesics, such as morphine, may be given if pain is severe. Other methods of pain relief include nerve blocks, cordotomy, and TENS. Nausea and vomiting may be controlled by drugs. Constipation can be treated with laxatives. Breathlessness is another common problem in the dying and may be relieved by morphine.

Towards the end, the dying person may be restless and may suffer from breathing difficulty due to heart failure or pneumonia. These symptoms can be relieved by drugs and by placing the patient in a more comfortable position.

Emotional care is as important as the relief of physical symptoms.

Many dying people feel angry or depressed and feelings of guilt or regret are common responses.

Loving, caring support from family, friends, and others is important.

Many terminally ill people prefer to die at home.

Few terminally ill patients require complicated nursing for a prolonged period.

Care in a hospice may be offered.

Hospices are small units that have been established specifically to care for the dying and their families.... dying, care of the


n. a neurosurgical operation for the relief of intractable pain. The nerve fibres that carry painful sensation to consciousness travel from the spinal cord through the brainstem in the spinothalamic tracts. This procedure is designed to sever the tracts within the medulla oblongata. See also cordotomy.... tractotomy

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