Colon, spastic Health Dictionary

Colon, Spastic: From 1 Different Sources


The ?rst part of the large INTESTINE.... colon

Sigmoid Colon

The S-shaped part of the colon, in the lower abdomen, extending from the brim of the pelvis, usually down to the 3rd segment of the sacrum. It is connected to the descending colon above, and the rectum below.... sigmoid colon


Increased rigidity in a group of muscles, causing stiffness and restriction of movement. Spasticity occurs in Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and tetanus.... spasticity

Spastic Paralysis

Inability to move a part of the body, accompanied by rigidity of the muscles. Causes of spastic paralysis include stroke, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. (See also paralysis.)... spastic paralysis


A term applied to any condition showing increased muscle tone: for example, spastic gait, or spastic colon (see IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS)). This is especially associated with some disease affecting the upper part of the NERVOUS SYSTEM connected with movement (upper neuron), so that its controlling in?uence is lost and the muscles become overexcitable.... spastic

Hydrotherapy, Colon

 Irrigation of the low bowel.

When elimination of body wastes is held up by a chronically-overloaded bowel general health may suffer. A constipated colon, with accumulations of hard faeces, obstructs peristalsis and loses its ability to evacuate effectively. Toxaemia follows, with gross interference of digestion of food.

As contents putrefy, toxins are re-absorbed, poisoning the blood. Such self-induced disease may lie at the root of sluggish liver function, skin disease, blood pressure, and aches in muscles similating rheumatism.

To clean out a clogged colon, injection of a herbal tea into the rectum not only proves effective but brings about a healthful purgation and release from tension. 2-3oz herb is brought to the boil in 1 gallon water, simmered for one minute, and allowed to cool. The tea is strained when warm and injected.

Enema herbs include: Soapwort, Chamomile, Marshmallow, Catmint, Raspberry leaves, Chickweed. Alternative: 20-30 drops Tincture Myrrh added to boiled water allowed to cool. ... hydrotherapy, colon

Colon, Cancer Of

A malignant tumour of the colon. First symptoms of the disease include an inexplicable change in bowel movements (either constipation or diarrhoea), blood mixed in with the faeces, and pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes, there are no symptoms until the tumour has grown big enough to cause an obstruction in the intestine (see intestine, obstruction of) or perforate it (see perforation).

A genetic basis has been found for some types of colon cancer.

However, in most cases, the precise cause is unknown.

Contributory factors include diet: eating a lot of meat and fatty foods and not enough fibre may increase the risk.

The disease often occurs in association with other diseases of the colon, such as ulcerative colitis and familial polyposis.

The chances of cure depend critically on early diagnosis.

Screening for this cancer includes an occult blood test; if the test is positive, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy may be carried out.

In most cases of colon cancer, a partial colectomy is performed.... colon, cancer of

Colon, Disorders Of

See intestine, disorders of.... colon, disorders of

Colon, Irritable

See irritable bowel syndrome.... colon, irritable

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