Cast Health Dictionary

Cast: From 2 Different Sources

A rigid casing applied to a limb or other part of the body to hold a broken bone or dislocated joint in position as it heals.

Most casts are made of bandages, impregnated with plaster of Paris, which are applied wet and harden as they dry.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
n. 1. a rigid casing for a limb or other part of the body, made of plaster of Paris, fibreglass, or plastic, that is designed to protect a broken bone and prevent movement of the aligned bone ends until healing has progressed sufficiently. 2. a mass of dead cellular, fatty, and other material that forms within a body cavity and takes its shape. It may then be released and appear elsewhere. For example, *granular casts appearing in the urine indicate kidney disease.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


This is literally de?ned as ‘deprivation of the power of generation’. In practical terms this involves surgical removal of both OVARIES, or both testicles (see TESTICLE). Such an operation is most commonly associated with the treatment of malignant lesions. In women who have reached the menopause, bilateral oophorectomy is routinely performed during HYSTERECTOMY, especially in cases of uterine carcinoma, and is usually performed when removing an ovarian tumour or malignant cyst. It is essential that the surgeon discusses with a woman before an operation when it might prove bene?cial to remove her ovaries in addition to carrying out the main procedure. In men, orchidectomy is routine for testicular tumours, and is sometimes carried out when treating prostatic cancer.... castration


Ricinus communis


San: Erandah, Pancangulah;

Hin: Erandi, Erand;

Ben: Bherenda;

Mal: Avanakku;

Tam: Amanakku, Kootaimuttu, Amanakkam Ceti;

Kan: Haralu, Manda, Oudla;

Tel: Erandamu, Amudamu

Importance: Castor is a perennial evergreen shrub. The Sanskrit name erandah describes the property of the drug to dispel diseases. It is considered as a reputed remedy for all kinds of rheumatic affections. They are useful in gastropathy such as gulma, amadosa, constipation, inflammations, fever, ascitis, strangury, bronchitis, cough, leprosy, skin diseases, vitiated conditions of vata, colic, coxalgia and lumbago. The leaves are useful in burns, nyctalopia, strangury and for bathing and fermentation and vitiated conditions of vata, especially in rheumatoid arthritis, urodynia and arthralgia. Flowers are useful in urodynia and arthralgia and glandular tumours. Seeds are useful in dyspepsia and for preparing a poultice to treat arthralgia. The oil from seeds is a very effective purgative for all ailments caused by vata and kapha. It is also recommended for scrotocele, ascites, intermittent fever, gulma, colonitis, lumbago, coxalgia and coxitis (Warrier et al, 1996). Oil is also used for soap making. Fresh leaves are used by nursing mothers in the Canary Island as an external application to increase the flow of milk. Castor oil is an excellent solvent of pure alkaloids and as such solutions of atropine, cocaine, etc. is used in ophthalmic surgery. It is also dropped into the eye to remove the after-irritation caused by the removal of foreign bodies.

Distribution: It is a native of N. E. tropical Africa. It is found throughout India, cultivated and found wild upto 2400m.

Botany: Ricinus communis Linn. belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. It is a monoecious evergreen shrub growing upto 4m. Leaves are alternate, palmatifid, 6-10 lobed, each 1- nerved with many lateral nerves and peltate. Lobes are lanceolate, thinly pubescent below, margin serrate and apex acuminate. Paniculate racemes are terminal with male flowers below, female ones above. Perianth is cupular, splitting into 3-5 lobes, laceolate, valvate, margin inrolled and acuminate. Filaments of stamen are connate and repeatedly branched with divergent anther cells. Sepals are 5, sub-equal, lanceolate, valvate and acute. Ovary is globose, echinate, 3-locular with 3 ovules and pendulous. Styles are 3, stout, papillose, stigmatiferous. Capsules are 3-lobed and prickly with oblong seeds having smooth testa and marbled, shiny and carunculate. R. bronze King and R. africanus are two good garden varieties which are known as Italian and East Indian Castors, respectively (Mathew, 1983, Grieve and Leyel, 1992).

Agrotechnology: Castor is cultivated both in the plains and the hills. As it has deep root system it is hardy and capable of resisting drought. It does not withstand waterlogging and frost. It requires hard dry climate for proper development of fruits and seeds. It requires a well- drained soil, preferably sandy loam or loamy sand. High soil fertility is of less importance as compared to the good physical condition of the soil. It cannot tolerate alkalinity. It is generally grown in red loamy soils, black soils and alluvial soils. The plant is seed propagated. The seed rate required is 5-12 kg/ha (pure crop) and 3 kg/ha (mixed crop). Seeds are to be sown on a hot bed early in March. When the plants come up individual plant is to be planted in a separate pot filled with light soil and plunged into a fresh hot bed. The young plants are to be kept in glass houses till early June where they are hardened and kept out. The suitable season of growing is kharif season. The crop is usually sown in April and planting is done in early July. The land is to be ploughed 2-3 times with the onset of rains and is repeated after rain. The spacing recommended is 60X90cm in case of pure crop but it is seldom cultivated pure. It is usually grown mixed with crops such as jowar, arhar, chilly, groundnut, cowpea, cotton, etc. 10-15t FYM/ha and 50kg N, 50kg P2O5 and 20kg K2O/ha will be sufficient. Addition of neem cake is beneficial as it increases oil content. There should be sufficient moisture in the field at the time of sowing. A month after planting, weeding and earthing up is to be done. The plant is attacked by hairy caterpillar, castor semi - looper, castor seed caterpillar, etc. which can be managed by integrated pest management measures. The leaf blight disease occurring in castor can be controlled by spraying with Bordeaux mixture 2-3 times at 15 days interval. Harvesting of ripe fruits can be done from the end of November till the end of February. The fruit branches are picked when they are still green to avoid splitting and scattering of the seeds. The pods are to be heaped up in the sun to dry. Then the seeds are to be beaten with stick and winnowed. Roots, leaves, flowers, seeds and oil constitute the economic parts. The average yield is 500-600kg/ha (Thakur, 1990).

Properties and activity: The beancoat yielded lupeol and 30-norlupan-3 -ol-20-one. Roots, stems and leaves contain several amino acids. Flowers gave apigenin, chlorogenin, rutin, coumarin and hyperoside. Castor oil is constituted by several fatty acids (Husain et al, 1992). Seed coat contained 1. 50-1. 62% lipids and higher amounts of phosphatides and non-saponifiable matter than seed kernel. Fresh leaves protected against liver injury induced by carbon tetra chloride in rats while cold aqueous extract provided partial protection (Rastogi et al, 1991). Root and stem is antiprotozoal and anticancerous. Root, stem and seed are diuretic. The roots are sweet, acrid, astringent, thermogenic, carminative, purgative, galactagogue, sudorific, expectorant and depurative. Leaves are diuretic, anthelmintic and galactagogue. Seeds are acrid, thermogenic, digestive, cathartic and aphrodisiac. Oil is bitter, acrid, sweet, antipyretic, thermogenic and viscous (Warrier et al, 1996). Castor oil forms a clean, light- coloured soap, which dries and hardens well and is free from smell. The oil varies much in activity. The East Indian is the more active, but the Italian has the least taste. Castor oil is an excellent solvent of pure alkaloids. The oil furnishes sebacic acid and caprylic acid. It is the most valuable laxative in medicines. It acts in about 5 hours, affecting the entire length of the bowel, but not increasing the flow of bile, except in very large doses. The mode of its action is unknown. The oil will purge when rubbed into the skin (Grieve and Leyel, 1992).... castor


(Spanish) One who is pure; chaste Castah, Castalina, Castaleena, Castaleina, Castaliena, Castaleana, Castalyna, Castara, Castarah, Castarra, Castarrah... casta


(Greek) In mythology, a nymph transformed into a sacred spring Castalea, Casta, Castaliann, Castalianne, Castaliana, Castaliah, Castaleah... castalia

Castanea Sativa


Synonym: C. vulgaris Lam.

Family: Fagaceae.

Habitat: Darjeeling, Khasi Hills, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh.

English: Spanish Chestnut, Sweet Chestnut.

Folk: Singhaaraa (not to be confused with water-chestnut, Tripa natans L.)

Action: Leaves—astringent, antitussive and febrifuge (used for fevers and diseases of the respiratory tract). An infusion is used as a gargle in pharyngitis, proxysmal coughs, catarrh and whooping cough. Nuts—extract, as platelet inhibitor in thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

The leaves contain tannins (8-9%) flavone glycosides, triterpenoids, ursolic acid, lupeol and betulin. Heartwood contains 61.4% tannins and 25.7% nontannins. The wood and bark contain 714 and 8-14% tannins respectively.

Nuts are eaten raw, roasted or boiled like potatoes. Nuts contain protein,... castanea sativa

Vitex Agnus-castus


Family: Verbenaceae.

Habitat: Mediterranean region; South-West Asian countries, up to Pakistan. (Seeds are imported from Iran.)

English: Monk's Pepper-tree, Hemp tree.

Ayurvedic: Renukaa (seed). Renukaa and Harenukaa are synonyms in Indian medicine.

Unani: Sambhaalu.

Action: Dried ripe fruit—acts on the anterior pituitary gland, reducing FSH and increasing LSH; stimulates production of progesterone by reducing oestrogen; used as a substitution therapy in primary and secondary corpus luteum deficiency. Used for premenstrual syndrome, for regulating hormones in amenorrhoea and for bleeding between periods; also as a galactagogue and to assist bust development.

The herb is also used in the treatment of premature old age due to sexual excess, nervous debility and impotence (as a homoeopathic drug). Vitex agnus extract is found to lower prolactin levels in men (the decrease in prolactin levels results in improved sexual performance. Males with hyperprolacti- naemia frequently face impotence).

Key application: In irregularities of menstrual cycle, premenstrual complaints, mastodynia. (German Commission E.) As a hormonal modulator. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The methanolic extract of the flowering stems of Vitex agnus-castus yielded iridoids, angnucastoside-A, B and C, in addition to aucubin, agnuside, mussaenosidic acid and 6'-O-p-hy- droxybenzoylmussaenosidic acid, and phenylbutenone glucoside, myzoden- drone.

Dopaminergic compounds, present in the herb, are clinically important compounds which improve premenstrual mastodynia and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

The herb may counteract birth control pills. (Sharon M. Herr.)... vitex agnus-castus

Castor Oil

A colourless or yellow-tinged oil obtained from the leaves of the castor oil plant.

Given orally, castor oil has a laxative action.

Zinc and castor oil are combined in a soothing ointment for conditions such as nappy rash.... castor oil

Plaster Cast

See cast.... plaster cast

Cast Nephropathy

(myeloma kidney) a complication of multiple myeloma seen in approximately half of those who have renal disease. The casts typically involve the distal convoluted and collecting tubules and often have a fractured or crystalline appearance. They are frequently surrounded by multinucleate giant cells. Deposition of the casts is associated with progressive renal failure.... cast nephropathy

Granular Cast

a cellular *cast derived from a kidney tubule. In certain kidney diseases, notably acute *glomerulonephritis, abnormal collections of renal tubular cells are shed from the kidney, often as a cast of the tubule. The casts can be observed on microscopic examination of the centrifuged deposit of a specimen of urine. Their presence in the urine indicates continued activity of the disease.... granular cast


Casts of hollow organs are found in various diseases. Membraneous casts of the air passages are found in diphtheria and in one form of bronchitis, and are sometimes coughed up entire. Casts of the interior of the bowels are passed in cases of mucous colitis associated with constipation, and casts of the microscopic tubules in the kidneys passed in the urine form one of the surest signs of glomerulonephritis. (See KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF.)... casts

Agnus Castus

Chaste tree. Vitex agnus castus L. Part used: dried ripe fruits.

Contains aucubin and agnuside (iridoid glycosides), flavonoids, castin (bitter), fatty and ethereal oils. Action: acts on the anterior pituitary gland, reducing FSH (follicle-stimulating-hormone) and increasing LSH (luteum-stimulating-hormone). Stimulates production of progesterone but reducing that of oestrogen. “Has a corpus luteum hormone effect” (Dr Weiss 1974 322. New herbal Practitioner, March 1977). Alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Uses: Symptoms caused by excess FSH and low progesterone output. used as substitution therapy for primary and secondary corpus luteum deficiency. Pre-menstrual symptoms, especially nervous tension, irritability, mood-swings, depression, anxiety, crying, forgetfulness, insomnia. Amenorrhoea (by regulating sex hormones). Pain in breasts. To promote breast milk in nursing mothers; assist bust development. Acne vulgaris (to restore sex hormone balance). Water-retention (pre-menstrual) caused by oestrogen excess or progesterone deficiency. “Regular bleeding between periods decreased following temporary increase” (Dr W. Amann, Bundesanzeiger, No 90, 15/5/1985). Premature old age from sexual excess and masturbation. Agnus lowers sexual vitality; reduces nervous excitability. By opposing excess oestrogen it lessens the risk, however small, of endometrial carcinoma. For symptoms of the menopause and of withdrawal on giving-up The Pill.

Preparations: Extracts made from crushed roots.

Tablets: 300mg; 2 tablets after meals thrice daily.

Liquid Extract: 1:1 in 25% alcohol. Dose: 2-4ml.

Caution: Not taken in the presence of progesterone drugs.

Contra-indications and interaction with other drugs: None known.

Tincture: 10-20 drops daily morning dose during second half of menstrual cycle. ... agnus castus

Castor Oil Plant

Palma Christi. Ricinus communis L. Part used: oil expressed cold drawn from the seeds without the aid of heat. Versatile agent for skin diseases. “Biochemical precursor of prostaglandins . . . a trigger mechanism to immune system T-cells in the skin causing them to activate a local immune system reaction through the lymphatics.” (Harvey Grady, Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, Va., USA)

Action: anti-allergenic, galactagogue. Canary Island nursing mothers bind leaves to the breast to increase secretion of milk. Vitality of cells is upgraded by contact with the oil. Oral contraceptive. (V.J. Brondegaard, Plants Med. 23, 167, 1973) A traditional purgative.

Uses: Internal. Rarely used, except for varied forms of allergy (penicillin, hay fever, etc): 5 drops oil in honey, 3-4 times daily. Mouth ulcers, smear with oil. Large doses avoided.

Topical. Anti-fungal, emollient, anodyne.

Application to warts, corns, bunions, skin disorders, psoriasis, eczema, nail infection, bedsores, pigmented mole, ringworm, itch, ear-infection in children (drops), leg ulcers – dab with smear for pain relief, rodent ulcers made bearable, gangrene (with tincture Myrrh drops). Oil massaged into scalp for 20 minutes daily for falling hair. Eyelids, to soothe and heal. Age spots: brown patches on face, arms or hands have been known to disappear when persevering with a smear of each – Castor oil and Bicarbonate of Soda.

Preparations: Internal use: oil – 5 to 20ml, as prescribed.

External use: Zinc and Castor oil cream, or ointment. Or, Castor oil only.

Castor oil pack, to stimulate the immune system: apply soft pad of material saturated with Castor oil; hold in position with elastic bandage for skin diseases, pains of arthritis or rheumatism; lacerated and well-sutured wounds that refuse to heal. Renew oil when pad becomes dry. Oil may be used as a vehicle for eye drops. ... castor oil plant

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