Balance billing Health Dictionary

Balance Billing: From 1 Different Sources

The practice of medical practitioners, dentists and other independent practitioners to seek payment from the patient for that portion of the patient’s bill not covered by the government or other third party payers.
Health Source: Community Health
Author: Health Dictionary

Acid Base Balance

The balance between the acid and alkaline elements present in the blood and body ?uids.

The normal hydrogen ion concentration of the PLASMA is a constant pH 7·4, and the lungs and kidneys have a crucial function in maintaining this ?gure. Changes in pH value will cause ACIDOSIS or ALKALOSIS.... acid base balance


The ability to balance is essential for a person to stand, walk and run. Maintaining this ability is a complex exercise of coordination dependent on the brain, sensory and motor nerves, and joints. There is a regular supply of information to the brain about the positions of various parts of the body and it responds with relevant instructions to the motor parts of the body. Eyes, the inner ear, skin and muscles all provide information. The cerebellum (part of the brain) collates all the information and initiates action. Balance may be affected by disorders in the balancing mechanism of the inner ear (semicircular canals) such as MENIERE’S DISEASE, and in?ammation of the labyrinth (labyrinthitis). Infection of the middle ear, such as otitis media (see under EAR, DISEASES OF), can also disturb the ability to balance, sometimes accompanied by dizziness or VERTIGO. If the cerebellum is affected by disease – a tumour or a stroke, for example – the result will be faulty muscular coordination leading to clumsiness and the inability to walk properly.... balance

Fluid Balance

The appropriate balance of ?uid input and output (along with dissolved salts essential for life) over 24 hours. During this period, about 2,500 millilitres (ml) of ?uid should be taken in by a 70-kg man and the same amount excreted; of this, 1,500 ml will be drunk, 800 ml will be in the food eaten, and 200 ml produced by food metabolism. Excreted water is made up of 1,500 ml of urine, 800 ml insensible loss and 200 ml in the faeces. A 70-kg man’s total body ?uid is 42 litres – 60 per cent of body weight. Intracellular ?uid comprises 28 litres, extracellular, 14 litres and blood, 5 litres. Water is controlled mainly by the sodium concentration in the body ?uids via the release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH – see VASOPRESSIN) from the posterior part of the PITUITARY GLAND. In seriously ill people, close monitoring of ?uid intake and output, along with measurements of PLASMA sodium and calcium concentrations, is an essential factor in treatment.... fluid balance

Acid-alkaline Balance

A healthy bloodstream depends upon maintenance of an acid-alkaline balance. Blood is always slightly alkaline. Only slight variations on either side are compatible with life. When this delicate balance is disturbed by faulty elimination of acid wastes, carbon dioxide, etc., a condition appears known as acidosis, a known precursor of chronic disease. A change of diet is indicated.

To help restore the acid-alkaline balance, any one of the following teas may assist: Iceland Moss, Bladderwrack (fucus), Kelp, Irish Moss, Slippery Elm, Calamus, Meadowsweet, or Dandelion (which may be taken as Dandelion coffee). ... acid-alkaline balance

Balance – Disorders Of

Associated with a number of conditions including PMT, low blood pressure, etc. Treatment: same as for MENIERE’S DISEASE. ... balance – disorders of

Acid–base Balance

A combination of mechanisms that ensures that the body’s fluids are neither too acid nor too alkaline (alkalis are also called bases).

The body has three mechanisms for maintaining normal acid–base balance: buffers, breathing, and the activities of the kidneys. Buffers are substances in the blood that neutralize acid or alkaline wastes. Rapid breathing results in the blood becoming less acidic; slow breathing has the opposite effect. The kidneys regulate the amounts of acid or alkaline wastes in the urine.

Disturbances of the body’s acid–base balance result in either acidosis (excessive blood acidity) or alkalosis (excessive blood alkalinity).... acid–base balance

Billings’ Method

Also called the mucus inspection method, a technique in which a woman notes changes in the characteristics of mucus produced by the cervix in order to predict ovulation for the purposes of contraception or family planning.... billings’ method

Billings Method

a method of planning pregnancy involving the daily examination of cervical mucus, which varies in consistency and colour throughout the menstrual cycle. Use of a Billings mucus observation chart to help identify the type of mucus enables the woman to have six days’ warning of impending ovulation. [J. and E. Billings (20th century), Australian physicians]... billings method

Nitrogen Balance

the relationship between the nitrogen taken into the body and that excreted, denoting the balance between the manufacture and breakdown of the body mass. A negative nitrogen balance, when excretion exceeds intake, is usual after injury or operations as the energy requirements of the body are met disproportionately from endogenous sources.... nitrogen balance

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