Apophysitis Health Dictionary

Apophysitis: From 1 Different Sources

n. inflammation of an unfused *apophysis resulting from excessive traction from a large tendon attachment. It most commonly occurs around the knee (see Osgood-Schlatter disease) and the heel (see Sever’s disease). See also osteochondritis.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Osgood–schlatter Disease

inflammation and swelling at the site of insertion of the patellar tendon at the tibial tuberosity, just below the knee (see apophysitis), resulting in a prominent painful lump. It occurs in adolescence, as a result of excessive physical activity, and most cases resolve with time and rest. [R. B. Osgood (1873–1956), US orthopaedist; C. Schlatter (1864–1934), Swiss surgeon]... osgood–schlatter disease

Sever’s Disease

*apophysitis caused by pulling at the point of insertion of the Achilles tendon into the calcaneus (heel bone), causing heel pain. [J. W. Sever (20th century), US orthopaedic surgeon]... sever’s disease

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