Adie’s pupil Health Dictionary

Adie’s Pupil: From 1 Different Sources


See EYE.... pupil

Argyll Robertson Pupil

A condition (described originally by Dr Argyll Robertson) in which the pupils contract when the eyes converge on a near object, but fail to contract when a bright light falls on the eye. It is found in several diseases, especially in locomotor ataxia and neurosyphilis, an advanced manifestation of SYPHILIS.... argyll robertson pupil


(Hebrew / German) Jeweled ornament / noble and kind

Adi, Ady, Adey, Adye, Adee, Adea, Adeah... adie

Adie’s Syndrome

(Holmes-Adie syndrome) an abnormality of the pupils of the eyes, often affecting only one eye. The affected pupil is dilated and reacts slowly to light; the response on convergence *accommodation of the eyes is also slow (see tonic pupil). Tendon reflexes may be absent. The condition is almost entirely restricted to women. [W. J. Adie; Sir G. M. Holmes (1876–1965), British neurologist]... adie’s syndrome

Holmes-adie Syndrome

see Adie’s syndrome.... holmes-adie syndrome

Pupillary Reflex

(light reflex) the reflex change in the size of the pupil according to the amount of light entering the eye. Bright light reaching the retina stimulates nerves of the *parasympathetic nervous system, which cause the pupil to contract. In dim light the pupil opens, due to stimulation of the *sympathetic nervous system. See also iris.... pupillary reflex


n. a surgical procedure to alter the shape or function of the pupil. It is usually performed to repair a pupil damaged after trauma.... pupilloplasty

Tonic Pupil

(Adie’s pupil) a pupil that is dilated as a result of damage to the nerves supplying the ciliary muscle and iris. It reacts poorly to light but may constrict better for near vision, with slow redilation on refixation at a distance. The tonic pupil is sensitive to dilute 0.1% pilocarpine drops, which cause marked constriction but have little effect on a normal pupil. The tonic pupil may become miotic (see miosis) over time.... tonic pupil

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