Acrocephalosyndactyly Health Dictionary

Acrocephalosyndactyly: From 1 Different Sources

n. any one of a group of related inherited disorders, including *Apert syndrome, resulting in abnormalities of the skull (*craniosynostosis), face, and hands and feet (*syndactyly).
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Apert Syndrome

a hereditary disorder characterized by *craniosynostosis, underdevelopment of the midfacial tissues resulting in a sunken facial appearance, and *syndactyly (fusion) of 2–5 digits (‘mitten glove’). Variable mental deficits and cleft palate may result. The condition may be associated with *Crouzon syndrome, in which case the fusion of the digits is less marked. See also acrocephalosyndactyly. [E. Apert (1868–1940), French physician]... apert syndrome


n. premature fusion of some of the cranial bones, usually before birth, so that the skull is unable to expand in certain directions to assume its normal shape under the influence of the growing brain. Depending on which cranial *sutures fuse early, the skull may become elongated from front to back, broad and short, peaked (oxycephaly or turricephaly), or asymmetrical. Craniosynostosis is a feature of several related inherited disorders (see acrocephalosyndactyly). Compare craniostenosis.... craniosynostosis

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